The short-term joint staff training event for employees-lecturers of the training programme took place from 16 to 18 October 2018 in Hungary, in Szombathely. The training was organized by the Hungarian partner, including lecturer´s assurance. The training activity was attended by 11 lecturers and advisors from partner organizations selected according to the specified criteria. The training was conducted according to a pre-approved training programme developed by partner organizations during the project. Theoretical training materials in electronic form have been made available to participants for study before the training implementation. Participants were informed on practical training through training activity. Within the short-term training event, the emphasis was on practicing the practical skills of Experts by Experience in the form of experiential learning. We also dedicated ourselves to use the e-learning platform in lecturing and work with the electronic platform for exchanging experiences among experts. We used the Europass Mobility tool to validate obtained knowledge, skills and competences.